About the Journal
The Journal of Research in Business Education is the journal of the National Business Education Association, Council for Business Teaching and Research. The scope of the journal is:
- Original research in business disciplines (management, marketing, accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, global business, information technology, human resources management, etc.)
- Original research in business teacher preparation or business teaching and learning (instructional strategies, clinical practice, student teaching, edTPA, student organizations, etc.)
- Applied research in business disciplines at the K-12 or post-secondary level; business education teacher preparation; international business/global business
Editors or members of the Editorial Board may occasionally submit their own manuscripts for possible publication in the journal. In these cases, the peer review process will be managed by alternative editors and members of the Editorial Board and the submitting Editor/Editorial Board member will have no involvement in the decision-making process.
Under copyright law, you hold the copyright to your creative works for your lifetime and 50 years thereafter. Before the National Business Education Association and the Association for Business Teaching and Research can publish your manuscript, the Association must receive all copyrights from you, including specifically the rights to: 1.Use this material in NBEA and Association for Business Teaching and Research publications; 2.Give other publishers permission to prepare derivative works; 3. Reproduce this material, including electronic media and making photocopies. It is understood that any reproduction of the above material will be clearly identified as your work. You will retain the right to excerpt it freely, but we ask that you indicate the original source of publication. I agree that I will not submit this manuscript in its entirety for publication elsewhere if it is published in the Journal for Business Teaching and Research.