An Analysis of Business and Industry Involvement in Alabama CTE Programs, Teacher Satisfaction, and Perceived Barriers
Career and Technical Education (CTE), Business and Industry Involvement, Partnership, Economy, Skills Gap, WorkforceAbstract
Alabama's economy is facing a crisis due to a scarcity of skilled workers in the expanding job market. Career and Technical Education (CTE) participants are linked to positive outcomes, but little information is available about the involvement of business and industry partners in Alabama CTE programs. This quantitative research study aimed to determine the perceived involvement of business and industry leaders in Alabama CTE programs, examine teacher satisfaction with business and industry partnerships and identify barriers that affect the relationship. The study involved 102 Alabama CTE teachers from nationally recognized 16 career clusters, with most having a graduate or professional degree, 1- 5 years of industry experience, teaching for 0-6 years, and being predominantly female. The finance cluster showed the highest business and industry involvement, and teachers with more industry experience had fewer perceived barriers to building and maintaining relationships with business and industry partners.
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