Promoting the Integration of Learning in the Business Education Classroom
Integration of learning, Business education, Undergraduate business educationAbstract
Problem. Integration of learning is a critical outcome of undergraduate education and, consequently, a highly desired trait that today’s employers expect to find in college graduates. Purpose. The purpose of this qualitative study was to analyze interviews with and classroom observations of business students to gain a better understanding of the ways these students combine their learning experiences, which would assist business education faculty in the promotion of the integration of learning. Methodology. The nature of the research questions called for a grounded theory method that could produce theories that would aid in explaining issues related to the integration of learning. Findings. Results indicated that students are integrating learning effectively without much assistance, if any, from faculty members. Students reported that they establish connections among ideas, skills, and/or information learned; apply ideas, skills, and/or information learned across different contexts or disciplines; and synthesize/combine ideas, skills, and/or information to construct new ones.
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