Personal Branding and Social Media For Students in Today’s Competitive Job Market
Personal branding, Social media, job marketAbstract
Problem: Because personal branding is important to recruiters and employers when hiring job candidates, business educators must help students develop their personal brand.
Research Questions: This research study addresses the online/offline elements that hiring managers focus on during the recruitment process and how educators can help students integrate these components using pertinent business communication into developing their personal brand.
Research Methods: Study 1 employed analysis of qualitative interviews of human resource professionals. Study 2 consisted of an online survey of recruiters.
Data Analysis: Semiotic analysis of interview transcripts and frequency distribution analysis of survey data revealed trends and empirical results. Findings: Recruiters used social media to include and/or exclude candidates from a search. The majority used LinkedIn profiles to find candidates.
Conclusions/Recommendations: Students need a personal brand to help secure employment in today’s competitive job market. Educators can help students develop their brand using a LinkedIn profile through course assignments.
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