The History of Delta Pi Epsilon 1936-1986
Delta Pi Epsilon, History, Business Education, Business Education ResearchAbstract
Reprinted from The Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, Vol. XXVIII, No. 1, Winter, 1986
“DELTA PI EPSILON FRATERNITY, an honorary graduate organization for men and women interested in business education, was organized in 1936 at New York University. Its purpose was that of giving recognition and service to outstanding teachers and leaders in this field.” With these words, Delta Pi Epsilon Historian Dr. Dorothy Veon (1957) began the chronicles for the first 20 years with the words, “Under the guidance and leadership of Dr. Paul S. Lomax, Chairman of the Department of Business Education of the School of Education at New York University, other members of the faculty of this Department, and the officers and members of the Commercial Teachers Club, the constitution for the fraternity was drafted and the qualifications for membership were established.”
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