Relationship Among Credits, GPA, and Age on Business Education Praxis II Test Scores
Praxis II, business education, teacher preparation, correlational studyAbstract
In certain states, business education teacher candidates seeking teaching licensure must complete Praxis test requirements, such as the Praxis II. Praxis II tests are designed to gauge teaching competency and this study explored the effects of the variables of cumulative undergraduate hours earned, GPA, and age at time of test completion on the Praxis II test scores, including Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge and Business Education: Content Knowledge for both undergraduate and graduate students. Correlational tests using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation and multiple linear regression were performed. Strengths of each relationship did vary; however, results of the study concluded significant relationships among some of the variables. Some of the variables were predictive measures on the final scores of each Praxis II test. Some variables were significant predictors on the Praxis II Fundamental Subjects test, and some were significant predictors on the Business Education test and varied by type of student.
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