Exploring Concerns of Business Student Teachers


  • Edward Fletcher University of South Florida
  • Kathy Mountjoy Illinois State University
  • Glenn Bailey Illinois State University


business education, student teaching, teacher development, teacher education, triad relationship


Background: The student teaching internship is the culminating experience and has been cited as the most significant, exciting, and difficult experience teacher candidates will encounter throughout their entire teacher preparation program. In order to prepare
business teacher candidates for their internships, it is critical to understand the issues and challenges they will face during their student teaching. Purpose: As such, the purpose of this research study was to explore the unique lived experiences and frames of references of business teacher candidates regarding their issues, challenges, and barriers during their student teaching internships. Method: A qualitative phenomenological approach was implemented based on three data sources: (a) an online questionnaire; (b) a semi-structured focus group interview; and (c) an analysis of weekly journal reflections. Results: Based on 16 business student teachers, this qualitative study found three primary concerns: (a) addressing classroom management; (b) issues with the quadratic relationship; and (c) having compromising priorities. Conclusions and Recommendations: Thus, it is critical that teacher educators discuss strategies and techniques for classroom management, help form synergistic relationships with qualified and passionate mentor teachers and university supervisors, and only assign coursework that are critical for the development of the student teachers in their internships.


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How to Cite

Fletcher, E., Mountjoy, K., & Bailey, G. (2023). Exploring Concerns of Business Student Teachers. The Journal of Research In Business Education, 53(1), 14-27. https://jrbe.nbea.org/index.php/jrbe/article/view/88

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