Responding to Generational Differences in Workplace Engagement
Successful Strategies for Business Managers
Generational differences, Successful strategies, Workplace engagementAbstract
Small business managers are experiencing a 30% turnover of employees, costing U.S. businesses $41.3 million per year. The purpose of this case study was to explore strategies that experienced small business managers use to respond effectively to
generational differences in workplace engagement. Using a purposeful sampling technique, managers possessing successful experience in issues related to generational differences in the workplace were recruited from small firms located in the
Midwestern United States to participate in semistructured interviews about engaging a multigenerational workforce. Methodological triangulation was used to analyze the data collected through semistructured interviews, organizational documents and observations. Three themes emerged: providing resources and incentives, giving opportunities, and
forming relationships between managers and subordinates. These themes aligned with leader-member exchange theory, indicating the need for managers and subordinates to establish high-quality relationships, which results in more engaged employees. Responding effectively to generational differences in workplace engagement may lead to less employee turnover, which may increase revenue.
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