Perspectives of Career and Workforce Education Graduate Students Regarding Their Experiences in an Online Degree Program


  • Edward C. Fletcher Jr. University of South Florida


business education, career and technical education, graduate education, online learning


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to acknowledge the perspectives and frames of reference of 28 graduate (master’s and doctoral) students regarding their experiences in an online degree program and the perceived benefits and challenges it afforded. Method: The study used a case study design. Results: Data interpretations revealed three themes: (a) accommodating adult learners; (b) a fit for self-directed learners; and (c) interaction lacking. Based on findings, higher education administrators and program faculty should consider establishing multiple and varied mechanisms for creating community among online learners.


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How to Cite

Fletcher Jr., E. C. (2017). Perspectives of Career and Workforce Education Graduate Students Regarding Their Experiences in an Online Degree Program. The Journal of Research In Business Education, 58(1), 23-38.

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