Business Educators’ Perceptions Concerning Mobile Learning (M-Learning)
Mobile Learning, Technology, M-Learning, Business EducationAbstract
Background: Accessibility to the wireless Internet and pocket-sized mobile phones have influenced mobile learning heavily. Therefore, it is important to determine how mobile technology can be used in teaching and learning. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify the perceptions of business educators regarding the use of mobile phones in the classroom. The study also determined how mobile devices could be used in teaching and learning in business education courses and programs. Method: A quantitative, descriptive research design was used to determine the perceptions of 642 business educators regarding mobile phone utilization in teaching and learning. A total of 195 participants completed the survey resulting in a 30.3% response rate. Results: The respondents 90 respondents (46%) revealed they have used a mobile device for educational purposes. Statistical analyses revealed that associate professors tend to be slightly more accepting of mobile phone use in the classroom than instructors. Some communicate with students using social media such as Facebook, encourage students to work in virtual teams using online conferencing, and provide continuous learning opportunities to the students outside of class. Conclusions and Recommendations: Business educators still have concerns about mobile phones being a distraction in the classroom. However, some believe that there are beneficial ways in which mobile devices can be used in teaching and learning. More research should be conducted to determine the perceptions of business educators regarding mobile technology classroom use based on gender, age, educational institution, and teaching experience. Also, additional strategies for mobile learning should be identified.
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