Benefits and Intended Outcomes of Internships in Undergraduate Business Education
Experiential learning, Career development, Professionalism, Higher educationAbstract
Historically, business schools have primarily focused on preparing students conceptually, theoretically, and philosophically to excel in business, government, and social sectors. However, a gradual shift has occurred in the priorities of business education to identify skills employers seek, ensure that curriculum is regularly re-examined, and take employer satisfaction into consideration to keep up with the rapidly changing corporate environment. To address this concern, some undergraduate business schools have incorporated internships into the curriculum to help close the skills gap. The benefits of internships have often been assumed, but seldom explored from a qualitative perspective. A case study asked the research question: According to administrators, employers, and students, what are the benefits and intended outcomes of internships in undergraduate
business education? Qualitative methods consisting of individual interviews, a focus group, and several document reviews were conducted. Results indicate that internships bring theory to practice while shaping career outlooks; internships lead to full-time job opportunities; and that internships are all about building relationships and pipelines.
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