The State of Studying and Learning in Business Schools Today
Applying an Expectancy Theory Framework
Expectancy Theory, Study skills, Business students, Career successAbstract
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine students’ academic study attitudes and behaviors and the extent to which student work employment impacts either attitudes or behaviors.
Research Questions: The Expectancy Theory of Motivation was used to examine student perception of linkage between “effort and performance” (belief that hard work in school leads to better grades); between “performance and outcome” (better grades lead to future success); and the degree to which their study and work time, as well as study approaches and behaviors are consistent with expectancy theory prediction (their attitudinal beliefs).
Method: A questionnaire was received from 211 junior and senior university students, a majority (83%) of whom were business majors.
Findings: Students perceived a connection between effort and good grades, believed a connection existed between grades and future success, but spent 10 hours per week or less studying.
Conclusions: The methods that students used to study command more concern because they lack sound, long-term retention of learning.
Recommendations/Implications: Business educators need to continue to provide students with persuasive, impactful criteria about the importance and efforts of effective scholarship for creating a competitive advantage in their career for achieving long-term success.
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