University Business Student Place Attachment during the Pandemic


  • Shawn Clouse University of Montana
  • Jason Triche University of Montana
  • David Firth University of Montana


Technology issues mediation, Place attachment , business student learning intention and satisfaction


Knowing how business students are attached to universities, classes, and teachers helps develop student engagement strategies.  This study examined three learning modalities utilized during the COVID-19 Pandemic (socially distanced face-to-face, fully remote on Zoom with the teacher and students not co-located, and hybrid with some students on-campus and some remote).  All classes were delivered synchronously, and the remote and hybrid had Zoom recordings posted on the course management system.  This research found a positive relationship between place attachment and learning intention and satisfaction for socially distanced face-to-face learners.  It also found place attachment was mediated by technology issues for fully remote students. It is important to ensure the technology used to deliver instruction supports business student learning. Problems negatively impacts student learning intention and satisfaction.  Place attachment impacts business student learning intention/satisfaction, but other factors like individual student differences, teaching methods, and curriculum are involved and need further study.


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How to Cite

Clouse, S., Triche, J., & Firth, D. (2024). University Business Student Place Attachment during the Pandemic. The Journal of Research In Business Education, 64(1).

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