Immersive Feedback Preferred by Business Communication Students
Feedback, business communication, immersive feedback, meaningful feedback, Assessment feedback, student teacher relationshipsAbstract
Objective: This study investigated students’ perceptions and preferences of the most effective method of assessment to provide immersive, meaningful feedback on writing assignments. Students were asked to rank, hence determine which type of information
provided them the best feedback to improve their writing skills. Background: Learning can be amplified when the assessment process incorporates immersive feedback consisting of visual, auditory, and handwritten presentation. A multi-sensory approach not only reinforces learning, it personalizes the assessment process, engages students and helps ensure the learning and assessments respond to multiple student learning styles. Method: Undergraduate business communication students were surveyed to determine
their perceived most effective method of assessment on writing assignments. Results: The results indicated not only students’ familiarity with handwritten feedback, but also their preference for a process which incorporates immersive feedback consisting of
visual, auditory, and handwritten presentation. Conclusions: With assessment discussed throughout higher education as indicators of learning, students can sometimes be left out of the conversation. This research determined that students preferred the more
immersive feedback including the auditory, visual, and handwritten feedback. Students also indicated this type of feedback will enhance their writing skills. Application: This study provides techniques to grade and provide students with impactful feedback that not only has the ability to improve student grades but it deepens student-teacher relationships.
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